
Navigating the National Vessel Documentation Center for Your Boat

The National Vessel Documentation Center (NVDC) is the legal body within the United States Coast Guard tasked with the responsibility of documenting your boat.

The documentation process plays an important role in the facilitation of maritime commerce and financing, as well as protecting economic privileges of United States citizens through the enforcement of regulations.

What is the NVDC?
The National Vessel Documentation Center (NVDC) is the Coast Guard’s vessel documentation unit. Located in Falling Waters, West Virginia, it is the only entity authorized to issue Certificates of Documentation.

The NVDC processes and endorses vessels for commercial and recreational use of 5 or more net tons, provides abstracts of title, and issues letters of determination. It also manages a database of vessels and their documentation, including official records of vessel specifications and surveys, ownership history, and changes in registration.

The NVDC also issues certificates of documentation for vessel owners who want to engage in domestic voyages. These include boats engaging in the fisheries and coastal trades.

What Documents Can I Get from the NVDC?
Vessel documentation is the Coast Guard’s requirement for commercial vessels over five net tons (usually longer than 26 feet) and an optional procedure for owners of recreational vessels. Many owners of commercial and recreational vessels document their boats to secure financing.

A documented vessel is identified by an ‘Official Number’ that is carved or bonded to the hull. This permanent numbering system deters theft and serves as a security measure.

NVDC officials have met workload demands for commercial vessel documentation but continue to face backlogs for recreational ones. During fiscal year 2019, the agency’s NVDC averaged 57 days for processing recreational paperwork–about four times longer than its informal target (see fig).

The NVDC is committed to providing high-quality customer service. Your feedback is critical in helping NVDC improve its services. You can help by completing the NVDC Customer Feedback Survey. The survey is available at the NVDC’s website.

How Do I Get My Documents?
The NVDC is your best resource to obtain all the documents you need for your boat. It will help you get a Coast Guard bill of sale, an abstract of title, and many other forms and services.

The National Vessel Documentation Center (NVDC) is the federal registration and titling center for vessels owned or operated by citizens of the United States. It is internationally recognized and makes it easier for American boats to enter and leave foreign ports.

It serves as a form of proof of ownership, nationality, and permits preferred mortgages on documented vessels. It also prevents the Coast Guard from making changes to documentation unless consent is given by the mortgagee.

It is important to have your documents filed at the NVDC in a timely manner. Failure to do so may result in delays and penalties that could affect your business.

What is the NVDC’s Mission?
The NVDC provides documentation and registration services to ensure compliance with federal regulations for recreational boats, commercial fishing vessels, and non-revenue state ferries. It also devises policies and procedures to guarantee the United States complies with international standards for recording and maintaining vessel records.

NVDC has five permanent officers: President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer.

These officers perform duties in accordance with NVDC’s Bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Order, governing the conduct of meetings of members, officers and committees. All officers shall keep adequate and correct books and records of NVDC’s accounts, including assets, liabilities, receipts, disbursements, gains and losses.

Regular members include registered Democrats who subscribe to the purposes of NVDC and have paid the current year’s dues. Affiliate members are NVDC members who do not live in Noe Valley but are affiliated with the Democratic Party and have paid their dues for the year in question.

NVDC may endorse candidates, ranked slates of candidates (for races in which the winner will be chosen by a ranked choice process) and propositions consistent with its purposes. These endorsements require sixty percent (60%) of the Regular members present at a regularly noticed general meeting to vote for the candidate, ranked slate or proposition.