
Importance of Madrasah Education

The importance of madrasah education in India can never be denied. It is the core foundation of Islamic Education system and provides a unique opportunity for all students from different castes and backgrounds. Madrasah means the worship of God. In India, madrasah means academy, college or university which provides education for all religious groups and is funded by a charitable organization. Madrasah is also called a masjid or mosque. In Urdu language, madrasah means academy, school or university that is strictly secular in nature.

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The word madrasah is an Arabic term meaning school, madrasah or academy imparting education to people of all age groups irrespective of their creed, caste and religion. Madrasah is a place of worship for Muslims. There are several madrasahs or mosques with education curriculum throughout the country. This curriculum is approved by the government of each state. The main features of the madrasah education include education in Arabic language, Islamic law, Islamic rituals and etiquette, learning of art, learning of writing and reading of the holy books.

Madrasah is a source of distance education system that uses teaching and learning procedures similar to that of the English education system. Students who opt for this program receive diplomas or degrees in addition to their primary education course. The curriculum of madrasah is designed by qualified, experienced, knowledgeable scholars and teachers who are members of islamic institutions. Generally the curriculum is available in two parts, the primary education and the technical education. Madrasah has non-teaching staff including facilitators, online tutors and clerical workers who impart learning through printed text books, multimedia courses and distance learning programs.

madrasah education is an emerging phenomenon in the west Bengal education sector. There are several reasons for the increased demand of madrasah education in the west Bengal State. The main reason is that madrasah has always provided the basic and high school education in Bengali, and now with the westernization of the education system, many students from other states are also opting for madrasah education. The second most significant factor is that madrasah provides exclusive and expert education that one can’t get from any other medium.

The major feature of madrasah education is that it combines academic knowledge and Muslim knowledge. This is achieved through teaching the Arabic alphabet, Islamic laws, Vedic astrology, and knowledge of various branches of arts such as music, dance, architecture, textiles, etc. Arabic, Hindi and Urdu textbooks are also used in the madrasah education. The other subjects taught in madrasah schools include science, mathematics, history, literature, Islamic sciences, English and Urdu grammar, and a lot more.

With the growth in demand for madrasahs, the educational institutes offering it has also experienced an increase in their numbers. As a result, the curriculum in madrasahs across the state are becoming increasingly innovative. This has led to an expansion in the teaching of madrasah education in other forms such as private education, online education and bengal literacy program. Some of the famous private education institutions that offer madrasah education in Bengal include Islamic Education and Training School, Masjidul Islam, Shahid Minar, Education Alliance madrasah, Education Foundation of Bengal, Education for All, Education India, Education School of India, Hyderabad Islamic Education and Training Institute, International Islamic Education School, Madamara Group, Madamara Hindu Education Society, Education for All, Education for Women, and Morena Islamic Education and Training Institute. On the other hand, there are several online madrasah schools in Bengal and leading states such as Bengal, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, and Mumbai that provide excellent education to imams, maulanas, and scholars.

There are various reasons as to why the west Bengal authorities have started promoting the madrasah education system. The most important one is that the curriculum offered by madrasah schools in West Bengal is not as strict as the syllabus of regular secondary and University levels education systems. Students who are pursuing a distance learning course or an online course can be assured of the same quality of education provided at the university level. As far as learning is concerned, the teachers are provided with the latest tools, instruments, and modern technology to help them impart knowledge fast. Moreover, teachers have the flexibility to adopt non-text book material in their classes, thus making the learning process more interesting and streamlined.

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Another important aspect of madrasahs in West Bengal is that it enables students to learn about a wide range of subjects such as Islamic sciences, English, and chemistry, while enjoying their free time. These madrasahs are usually open to everyone, whether they belong to the madrasah premises or not. This aspect of flexibility is highly appreciated by the parents who want their children to enjoy their studies with their friends and family members, without the pressure of attending regular classes. Parents also do not have to put up with the hassles of transporting their children to and from school every day. Most of these madrasahs also have a presence of non-teaching staff who help students with their questions and queries, in case they do not know how to answer them.