
How to Be a Go-Getter: The Best Quotes and Buying Guides


Buying something new can be exciting, but it can also be overwhelming if you’re not sure where to start or what to look for in the first place. If you’re out looking for something specific and aren’t sure how to find it, these shopping guides and quotes about being a go-getter will help you get started. These articles will give you the inspiration you need to make the most of your money and time when making your next purchase.

What it takes to be a go-getter
Being someone who takes initiative, seeks out new opportunities, and doesn’t let fear hold them back—that person is what we call a go-getter. Go-getters work hard at whatever they do because they’re passionate about it. They know that getting what you want isn’t always easy, but nothing worth having ever is. Take these steps to be a go-getter.

Stay positive
This is one of my favorite quotes because it reminds me that even in a time of clicks, not bricks, real connections can be made. Your career should involve more than just sitting at your desk. I try to encourage my colleagues by sharing great stories, introducing them to other people (even if they aren’t in their field), or having drinks with them once in a while. As I say, people don’t buy from robots; they buy from people. So go make some connections! Here are some additional quotes that might inspire you to get out there and stay positive about reaching your goals

Keep your goals in sight
Make sure your goals are visible in places where you’ll see them every day. For example, if you’re trying to save money, put Post-It notes with your budgeted amounts on key appliances—it will help keep you mindful of how much you’re spending. One study suggests that these types of short reminders can be an effective way to maintain healthy habits like eating more veggies or drinking more water (both important!). Seeing a goal out in front of you also increases self-confidence, meaning that even if your progress is slow, you’ll still feel motivated. If possible, track your progress in one place—use something like Wunderlist for the organization’s sake. This makes it easy for you to compare how much time it took last month versus what it’s talking now.

Do what you can, right now
We’re all busy. We have things we want to do, places we want to go, people, we’d like to see…you get it. There’s not enough time in a day. Sometimes, when you’re pressed for time, it can feel like procrastination is actually good because it allows you more time later on. The fact is that if you sit around not getting anything done all day, though, you are wasting your time—and many companies that value their employees understand that presenteeism (showing up for work even when there’s nothing productive left for you to do) leads directly back into burnout or worse.

Ask for help
I don’t know about you, but I love Google. I used it every day love quotes college, I use it when trying to figure out my new job (what with all of its confusing acronyms) and basically anytime something comes up that I can’t answer on my own. Of course, Google is no substitute for asking for help from someone who knows what they’re doing—and if you’re looking for a go-getter in your life, one of those people should be you. If you want to become more successful as a go-getter—and yes, it is possible—then you need more information than Google can give you.

When things aren’t going well, look at what you can control
Your attitude is 100% in your control. If you don’t like your job, but can’t change it, try changing how you feel about it. Replace self-defeating thoughts with positive ones that put success within reach; otherwise, why not look for an opportunity where you are better able to succeed? Rather than dwelling on what’s wrong with your work life, figure out what adjustments you can make in order to get yourself back on track. Even if nothing changes at work right away, think of ways you can make yourself more fulfilled outside of work by spending time with friends or doing activities that bring joy into your life.

Work hard; play hard!
Success isn’t about how hard you work. It’s about what you do with your hard work, who you are, and how you live your life. But in order to be successful, you have to first be willing to work harder than anyone else around you. Sometimes it will seem like there is no end in sight, but if you keep pushing forward and fighting for what you want then it will all pay off in time. You can get anything that belongs to you if only now writes out a plan on how much money do I need; what are my major expenses; why I don’t have that amount of money right now; where do I intend to save it; when am I going to do all these things?