
The Relationship Between Law and Justice

The relationship between justice and law is often discussed between lawyers and other attorneys. This relationship is sometimes called the justice-law relationship. Justice and law are often regarded as being identical, although this is not always the case. Justice is often viewed by some as being primarily a moral concept, while law is often seen as having greater practical importance. When justice is compared to law, those who defend the law and defend the justice are able to see that justice usually impacts a society; however, individuals experience both justice and law in their personal lives.

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The relationship between justice and law can be viewed on many different levels. Practicing lawyers, for instance, engage in the process of arguing legal theories and interpreting the laws. While lawyers are not required to openly espouse the views of justice, those who do have a strong philosophical belief in what the relationship between law and justice should be are generally likely to adhere to this philosophy. However, just because a lawyer has a strong belief in the necessity for laws does not mean that they will actually apply that belief to all cases. For example, a judge may decide that it is in the interest of the state to ensure that the individual obtains a driving license.

There are two main theories of justice that are recognized by the majority of lawyers. These are the common law and universal law. Although most lawyers will not apply at all to all cases, there are some who have developed a specialization where they only concentrate in one area of the law.

The primary function of the justice system is to uphold the equal right of every citizen. This includes equal protection under the law and an ability to pursue happiness as far as possible. The equal right to pursue happiness is what is known as the “common good.” This is not the same as social welfare or charity. The idea here is to ensure that the common good is upheld and protected so that individuals have a basic level of security and freedom.

Universal laws tend to put more emphasis on individual liberty than the common good. In other words, a lot of the modern laws being applied today are about individual rights being infringed upon because of the activities of some individuals. For example, many people believe that certain anti-Terrorism laws are too strict and limit free speech.

Universal laws were created to ensure that all people had a level playing field in society. However, many lawyers feel that the laws need to be changed due to the fact that they do not meet the requirements for a functioning legal system. When people come together to establish laws they are bound to share certain principles. One of those principles is that all laws should bind everyone equally. Therefore, when people disagree on something such as how a law should be enforced or applied it creates an issue within the legal system. Another key element to a properly functioning legal system is the rule of law – that everyone should be respected and accorded equal rights irrespective of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, or any other such attribute.

Justice is a concept that is inherent in the human society. Everyone has the right to respect the laws of the society and the constitution regardless of their position in society. Everyone has the right to fair trial. Everyone should be able to defend their rights and freedoms without being discriminated against based on religious beliefs, race, ethnic backgrounds, or nationalities. No one should be discriminated against on the basis of gender, race, age, disability, political views or anything else. Therefore, everyone has the right to pursue happiness as long as they are abiding by the law.

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Unfortunately, many people find it difficult to live in such a harmonious relationship between law and justice because there are so many selfish people in the world. There are many who only think of themselves and do not care about anyone else before themselves. Unfortunately, this also leads to the law being used in ways that are unjust. However, when people are willing to adhere to the law and work to ensure justice is served then everyone benefits. Justice does not only benefit the individual but the whole society as well.