Digital Marketing

Facebook Ads – 4 Steps to Optimize Ads

Social network marketing, also known as social media targeting, is an evolving set of technical terms which describe methods of internet marketing that focus primarily on social media services. It is the latest marketing technique and is fast becoming one of the most effective marketing platforms in the world. It is essentially a term which refers to the use of social media for the purpose of advertising and marketing purposes. The main benefits of this method are low cost, high visibility of advertisement, ability to target audience, and instant results. Here are a few simple steps that you can follow to start using Facebook ads in your online marketing.

Get Started: In order to get started with Facebook ads, you need to create a Facebook account and create relevant account profile. These days there are various tools that can be used for the purpose of optimizing ads such as Facebook PPC ads, Google Analytics, and more. You can also use these for analyzing your campaigns in Facebook and analyze where you may need help the most. If you are not sure how to do it or have no idea where to start, then it is always better to go for the experts.

Split Testing: You can split test your ad groups, to ensure that your ads are reaching the right audiences. To do this, make a series of small ads, launch them all in Facebook and track their performance. If some ads perform poorly than the rest, then go for the best performing one. To make a quick creation, all you need to do is create your own custom Facebook ad group and then run a split test.

Choose a Good Photo: Using stock photos and other images of your choice can help you target a specific audience. For example, if you are running an anti-social book cover campaign, you can choose a photo that does not depict women in a good light. This will help you not only target the group but also keep them away from your ads. To create custom ads with stock photos, all you need to do is add the photos into your ad group. This way you will be able to customize your ads based on your choice.

Customize them to fit your audience: Facebook advertising is known to be more personal and targeted than other internet advertising mediums. To get your Facebook ads to work, make them as relevant as possible to your business requirements. For example, if you sell shoes, you should not include people’s pictures with the description of your products. People use Facebook to connect and reconnect with their friends. So, if you want potential customers to remember your brand and remember your website, you should only upload the photos that would elicit a positive response and interest.

Ctr and CPC Conversion: You should keep track of your Facebook ads, by monitoring their Ctr and CPC values. Facebook Ads has two kinds of impressions, which are called Ctr and CPC. Ctr shows your current call to action. It is an indication of what your ads are promoting and how effective they are.

Ctr indicates your target market segment that you intend to cater to. Facebook Ads works best for small to mid-sized businesses targeting to groups with common interests and likes. Facebook Ads works best for businesses that reach a broader audience, since they have a larger target market. You should focus more on your Ctr and CPC when you are your ads. This will give you an idea how well your Facebook ads are working, so that you can make changes and fine-tune it for even better results.

That’s it – four steps to optimize ads. If you stick to these simple steps, you will be able to get the most out of Facebook ads. Just remember not to make the mistake of targeting ads to individuals, as this will not give you a good ROI. Focus on targeting the right audience to bring in the right results.