
How to Use Content Performance Analytics Tools

Content marketing is an imaginative effort just as other kinds of internet marketing are but analytics and data can help content marketers just like they are to any other kind. However, many current guides on online analytics are not geared towards content marketers specifically. These guides are more like “how to” articles on various subjects that can help you do your job. These articles are written by people who have “been there, done that” but because they have no experience in content marketing they write as if they have. This article is meant to be a guide for you to learn the ropes of content measurement.

Many of these online guides are also aware that content marketing metrics will be used for the purpose of tracking progress. But this makes them sound like they’re only after your social shares. The fact of the matter is that these guides also measure performance based on the total number of clicks, shares and likes on the content they recommend. These are called the ultimate Metric in content marketing analytics and should be the basis of all content analysis measures.

The ultimate metric in content analytics is called CPM or “click through rate.” This is the total number of page views over a period of time. This is one of the most important Metrics in content marketing analytics. A low page view rate indicates that your content is being read but not being clicked upon. If it’s not being clicked upon, then it’s not performing.

Another good metric to use in content marketing analytics is ROI or “return on investment.” This is also a great Metric in content marketing analytics as it measures the value of a particular transaction. It is the monetary value of what you’ve spent on a visitor to your site. A high ROI means that your content marketing efforts are yielding positive results.

Another metric that should be used in content marketing analytics is called Bounce Rate. This is how many visitors your site gets within a certain period of time – in seconds – and how many visitors bounce from the site after that. You want to create content that is engaging and informational and that people want to read, but if they can’t find your content or they don’t find it fast, then they’ll go somewhere else to find it. A high Bounce Rate indicates that your content isn’t providing your visitors with the value that they’re looking for.

Metrics such as these aren’t the only metrics that should be included in content marketing analytics. There are lots more that are equally as important as these. Many people don’t even realize the importance of some of these metrics, so don’t feel like you’re the only one. As the owner of a business website, you have a responsibility to provide your readers with the best information and the best products and services possible.

One very important metric to include in content marketing analytics is conversion. This is the number of unique visitors that come to your site or your blog posts; and this is usually expressed as a percent of overall visitors. If you see a high conversion rate, then you’ve got a great deal of potential customers just waiting to become your customers. Conversions can vary greatly depending on your content, but it’s certainly good to keep an eye on this.

There are a variety of content performance indicators available today that can help you keep an eye on content marketing performance. Some of the most popular ones include hit rate, click-through rate, and social media engagements. These are metrics that are directly related to how well your content is performing online. If you use these content performance tools effectively, then you will have a better idea of what content marketing strategies are working and what aren’t. In short, the more you know about content marketing, the more successful you will be as a business owner.